Emmanuel Okwunwa

Words Make Thoughts Go Round.

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Whether you need a wordsmith to overhaul your website or just a few headlines for your next ad campaign, I got you covered. I’ll work with you to understand the goals of your project and the minds of your customers. Together, we’ll make your next project a success.


It didn’t take long for the email inbox to turn into a junk mail wasteland. Your customers hate junk—but your product isn’t junk. I’ll write engaging emails that stand out from the pack of unwanted messages, giving you and your customers what you both really want.

Blog posts

Your brand needs to be seen as a subject matter expert in your category. My job is to make perception reality. I’ll do the research to understand your customers and their problems, delivering engaging blog posts that position you as the expert—and your product as their next logical purchase.

Social media

30% of the time your customers are online, they’re liking, retweeting, snapping, and commenting. But reaching customers on social media is nothing like running ads or sending emails. I’ll develop an engaging social media presence with copy that connects with your customers where they already are.

Ebooks and white papers

You’d never ask someone to marry you on the first date. Commitment takes time. That’s why free resources are so effective for lead generation and nurture. I’ll do the research to write a compelling resource you can give away for free—so you can convince your customers to take the next step.


Whether you need a wordsmith to overhaul your website or just a few headlines for your next ad campaign, I got you covered. I’ll work with you to understand the goals of your project and the minds of your customers. Together, we’ll make your next project a success.

Creative Copywriting

If you want whip-smart copy for your next 360 campaign, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll write headlines that sizzle on a tight turnaround. Whether you want an Instagram sensation or you’re kicking it old school with a few print ads, I’ll deliver a campaign that delivers results.

The Importance of the Wordsmith

Words are a key difference between humanity and the lower animals. And even for those creatures, such as whales and dolphins, that have been documented as communicating through sounds - as indeed most animals might be - there is still a special and important difference between their communication skills and that of us humans: we can represent words in retrievable forms that can be recognized by others who speak the language in which the words are written. It follows, then, that the main difference may not be so much in whether or not the lower animals communicate with sounds, as in whether or not they have means of storing the content of their communications. That is where we humans have the very strong edge that has propelled and furthered our development as a species. So, for those who wish to participate more fully in this great human advantage, whether in business or in personal life, the medium of the written word offers an advantage far greater than we ordinarily find time to reflect upon. As a consequence, the writer is to be valued as a pioneer of human progress, at every instance in which he or she picks up a quill, a pen, or a keyboard. The writer is like the bedrock of the river of human progress. Over the pages of the written word flow the ink of expanding civilization. Through the creative efforts of the writer, the genius of each age is preserved for contemporary and subsequent generations to use in advancing human progress. The writer's craft is as indispensable as it is truly invaluable, but if you must give it value, raise your sights as high as your hand can possibly reach.

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Press releases

If you want to get noticed, you need to do something notable. Whether you’re launching a new product, shaking up the C-suite, or making a major brand pivot, I’ll craft a press release that will make the media pay attention.

Direct mail

Print is not dead, and not all junk mail is junk. Your ideal customer wants to hear from you. Whether it’s a long-form sales letter or a simple postcard, I’ll deliver a message that doesn’t end up in the trash can as soon as it’s out of the mailbox.

Direct response

You have potential customers who are ready to whip out their wallets. They’re practically begging to hear a convincing reason to go with your product instead of the other guy’s. That’s where I come in. I’ll write a compelling pitch for your product, convincing your next great customer to take action now.

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