Ellen D.

creative writer

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"if your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business." (B. Gates)

If your business became totally reliant on the web copy or marketing emails in order to sell your products or services, then you might need a writer (me!) to help you keep up with your great work.

Buy for $100

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Your desired blog post

I would love to write your next blog post, no matter what your niche is. I can do an effective research, in order to meet your style, your brand, or your preferences. Up to 1000 words.

Buy for $75

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Catchy emails

This is not a secret. Your customers will always open your emails if you know how to catch their attention. If you don't, you can ask me for help, and your emails will never go to junk anymore, or they will never remain unopened again!

Buy for $100

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Turning words into cash

I can write about your products or services, and turn the words into money - in a creative and impactful way to persuade your target.

Buy for $75

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Cruisin' by social media with a reason

Anybody who is cruising the social media should be a potential customer of yours! I can write impactful display ads, engaging social media advertising and posts, and keep a tight connection with your clients.

Buy for $100

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Press Realeases

I can write press releases according to your rules and requirements.

Buy for $100

Ready to get started? Hire Me