Lydia Eckles

Freelance Copywriter

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Not everyone you hire has the motivation to research your product/service until they feel connected and drawn to it. And they probably won't write 20 something drafts until they find the perfect fit, edit that draft until perfection, and accept nothing but a satisfied reader. Your company means everything to you, why have anyone build a reputation for it that doesn't feel the same way? I go above and beyond and I only promise complete, informative work.

I Write Informative, Intriguing Blog Posts

I understand how important your business is to you. It's not just a hobby or side thing, it's your life. When I take a job, I do my best to understand the inner-workings of your company/brand that make it so special and bring it to light for your customers to see!

Buy for $10


Your next customer is most likely emptying their junk mail as we speak, paying no attention to non-relevant, nonsense emails. I aspire to take the product/service you pour your heart and soul into and bring life to that very persons inbox. I bring excitement and interest into the mix, making you the relevant seller! 

I Guarantee Eye Catching Emails!

Whether you're a lawn care business, a supplement brand or a youtube channel wanting more subscribers, i've got you covered! I bring my creative writing and inspired mindset to life in every sentence. After gathering time consuming, much needed research and knowledge of your brand, I can create the content you've been waiting for!

Buy for $5

Ready to get started? Hire Me