Kelly Vislocky

Reader, Writer, Scholar

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Book Review

A good review can make all the difference in selling your book. As a lifelong reader, I am excited to read your book and give it my honest review. I have published reviews on Goodreads. To see a list of examples of other reviews I have done please see my portfolio. Genres I am willing to read are:  •Fantasy Fiction  •Science Fiction  •Paranormal Fiction  •Romance  •Young Adult  •New Adult My review will be a minimum 400 words long and posted on Goodreads and listed on my website. I will send you a copy of the review before publishing it. I look forward to working with you.

Goodreads Book Review

A minimum 400-word book review posted on Goodreads and listed on my website.

Buy for $10

Beta Reading

Before you send your book to print, let me read it. As a lifelong reader, I am excited to read your book and give it my honest feedback before you publish it. I have published reviews on Goodreads. To see a list or examples of other reviews I have done please see my portfolio. My Beta Reader Report will outline the strengths and weakness of your book and how I feel you can improve it. Genres I am willing to read are: -Fantasy Fiction -Science Fiction -Paranormal Fiction -Romance -Young Adult -New Adult


I will Beta Read your book up to 15,000 words and provide a reader's report.

Buy for $20


I will Beta Read your book up to 30,000 words and provide a reader's report.

Buy for $30


I will Beta Read your book up to 50,000 words and provide a reader's report.

Buy for $40

Content Editing

Just as teachers have students peer edit each other's work before turning in a paper, let me edit your work before you publish it. It can be intimidating to have someone else reading and marking your project with red ink, but editors are an invaluable tool. Editors review your work with fresh eyes and make sure your message is clearly articulated in your writing. Let me help get your work ready to show the world. I provide content editing which goes beyond simple proofreading for spelling and grammar. I will review your work for clarity, consistency, and flow. This can include editing your title, creating subtitles and subsections, editing sentence structure, and word choice, and rearranging the order of content.

Blog Post

I will provide content editing for up to 1500 words.

Buy for $12

Short Article

I will provide content editing for up to 3000 words.

Buy for $15

Long Article

I will provide content editing for up to 5000 words.

Buy for $20
Ready to get started? Hire Me

Ready to get started? Hire Me