Island Creative : Writer & Ghost Writer
I like to write stories and will create credible characters which I can surround with intriguing environments; in short story format or in full length novels
ARTICLES, MANUALS - if you want an article, insructions or a manual writen from your point of view or from that of your company, I can do it for you in fine style that will be effective to your target audience. MEMOIRES, AUTOBIOGRAPHIES may be written to your style. Stop waiting! Let me make your story into interesting and exciting reading.
Words flow off my tongue easily so that if your need is a short aticle to make just the right point or to express a burning sentiment, you are at the right place.
As a creative writer, my interest has spanned the script writing business. My mother was a playwright and I have acted in local plays, even receiving an award at a festival. This is an exciting new area for me and I would be glad to deliver compeling and spicy scripts to attract and keep your audiences.
When your customers are cruising down the information superhighway at 98 clicks per hour, do your banner ads give them a reason to take notice? Or do they cruise by without a thought? I’ll write display advertising that make them pump the brakes and give your brand the attention it deserves.
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