Geremy Williams

We no longer have to guess what customers are looking for, they tell us with every online search. Today, we just need crystal-clear copy that answers their questions about your product. I’ll write targeted ads that put your product at the top of their search results.

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Web copy

Maybe you need to hit refresh on your whole site. Or maybe there are just a few pages that need a tuneup. Regardless, I’ll work with you to understand your customers, your product, and what makes your brand unique. Then I’ll deliver copy that makes your site professional, compelling, and profitable.

Social media

30% of the time your customers are online, they’re liking, retweeting, snapping, and commenting. But reaching customers on social media is nothing like running ads or sending emails. I’ll develop an engaging social media presence with copy that connects with your customers where they already are.



price includes 50 characters.

Buy for $10

Display ads

When your customers are cruising down the information superhighway at 98 clicks per hour, do your banner ads give them a reason to take notice? Or do they cruise by without a thought? I’ll write display advertising that makes them pump the brakes and give your brand the attention it deserves.


Display Ad

Display Ad (80-character limit)

Buy for $15

Search advertising

We no longer have to guess what customers are looking for, they tell us with every online search. Today, we just need crystal-clear copy that answers their questions about your product. I’ll write targeted ads that put your product at the top of their search results.

SEO Copywriting

Looking to dominate the SERPS in your category? I’ll deliver SEO-optimized copy that will send you to the top of the results. Whether you already have an SEO strategy or are starting from scratch, I’ll partner with you to ensure your next great customer is a Google search away.


SEO Copy Small

Copy with up to 100 characters.

Buy for $20

SEO Copy Medium

Copy between 101-299 characters.

Buy for $35

SEO Copy Large

Copy that is between 300-400 characters.

Buy for $50

Landing pages

You’ve created a great product. You’ve told the world about it. And a qualified lead has just hit your site. What do they see? More importantly, just how hard do they bounce? I’ll write a landing page that makes your future customer stick around and take action.

Ready to get started? Hire Me